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Letters to the editor 011721

Trump spite at work

The publisher’s “scarlet letter” column of Jan. 10 was amusing. The subject was deadly serious, of course, but his treatment of the incident at the Capitol was so over the top that it became funny. I began to ask myself, can he possibly top the sanctimony of the previous paragraph – he did! Wow!

The last four years on the national scene have produced so much truly astonishing material for editorial and op-ed writers to write about. Vagina hats. Keystone-cop FBI and Justice departments. Bitter rejection of the 2016 presidential election outcome by the sore loser. Ludicrous Russia investigations. Vacuous impeachment hearings. ”Mostly peaceful” arsonists and vandals. Nancy Pelosi.

The list is endless. Yet some discerning journalists – and publishers – have been able to express outrage about only one subject: Donald Trump. They have cut through the clutter of current events and identified the single cause of everything bad – Trump. It has been an astonishing display of lucid thinking.

The question is, will these same insightful people be able to think about anything else now that President Trump is leaving the White House? I hope so because there is so much to ponder.

Such as… can mainstream media ever return to its former model of issuing narrative-free, balanced, factual reports? Can Big Tech continue to deny platforms for free speech to people with whom they disagree? Can miscreant bureaucrats and corrupt elected officials be held accountable – even if they are Democrats? Will long-proposed commonsense election reforms finally be instituted after the debacle of 2020? And the biggest question of all: How could a classy First Lady like Mrs. Trump – an immigrant, no less – be denied front-page coverage by magazines that always feature presidential wives?

So many questions. I am not holding my breath for any of them to be answered affirmatively any time soon. There still is too much unreleased Trump-spite. It may require a couple more years of hypocritical ranting to fully expel it. The spectacle likely will continue… to the amusement of saner people.

Giles Lambertson


History will judge

Donald Trump didn’t start a riot. History will tell accurately what happened.

But even if you absolutely hate Trump, you should be concerned about recent changes in politics.

It’s not just that politicians are lying about him. Politicians always lie, even when proven wrong. Now the standard demanded is you must agree with the liars or be silenced and pushed out of society.

The House of Representatives impeached Trump again. The first attempt was so filled with lies, there’s a special investigation in how it started. This attempt was so rash, no evidence was presented. It’s demanded that you know how bad Trump is and demand he’s guilty. If you don’t agree, you are also guilty. It is a coordinated effort.

What’s new is the silencing and removal of anyone who disagrees with the progressive line. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Google suppressed negative news about Harris/Biden to help them get elected. They paid directly for the people who counted votes where election fraud is alleged. Then they helped suppress investigations of election fraud and told people there’s nothing wrong. They have started removing communication access by groups that don’t agree with them. A national manhunt is on for anyone who was at the protest.

This is thought control and it is dangerous. Biden has reportedly hired many senior employees of these corporations to work in government. What is being planned? In China, these corporations run the social credit systems by which the government tracks how well people comply. Are they planning this here? Why do they need total control and to silence all dissent? You should be concerned.

Ken Dirksen


Spiritual revival

I planned a non-profit event at Uvalde Memorial Park to raise awareness of efforts to combat bullying and suicide. The event was approved to begin at 10 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2021, but Uvalde city manager Vicent DiPazza rejected the ministry sport event with blank, cold disapproval on Dec 17.

He said public events are probably on hold until September due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This news came when I walked into city hall to ask DiPazza about pressure washing the basketball court and applying fresh paint – with supplies and labor that would have been donated – because of the poor conditions. It is in the same condition since my high school days, Class of 1998.

For over 10 months, this pandemic, or “plandemic” as many will say, has conditioned the minds of Uvaldeans to sanitizing and to practice social distancing. Due to the good practicing of safety precautions, the town has started reviving with Coyote football games, restaurant dining, hotels, Hunters’ Roundup, food pantries, movie theater, church assemblies, gyms, and stores packed with shoppers.

Uvalde Memorial Park is an escape; peaceful and active with talent. We will ask to take the same precautions of our free will in this religious tournament event. It was a mission in ministry work to organize the event, which I call the “Get Back Up Tournament” after listening to a skateboarder at the park tell me how he had trouble with bullying. Multiple potential donors were excited about the idea of hosting the tournament and are ready to donate support.

As a religious missionary, I had been experiencing aggressive anger in my hometown of Uvalde. Aggressive bitterness is the outlet. I’m sad to feel that COVID-19 is the least of this town’s problems.

Bullying is rooted in pride, anger, jealously and envy. It is a wicked spirit that can stay hidden for years and comes in many forms. It preys in the home, at work, at school, on the streets and especially on social media. Bullying can lead to divorce and suicide of the mind, body and soul. It can be life altering when silence feeds the oppression.

Victims more often prefer to tell a friend over a parent and unfortunately some keep it bottled inside, where it darkens, while some don’t have a voice.

A young teen, age 19, unaware of my cause, spoke to me for two hours of how two suicides and other teenage deaths have been weighing heavy on him, making life gloom. It was a blessed confirmation.

As part of ministry work, the “Get Back Up Tournaments” of skateboarding, three-on-three basketball, disc golf and football challenges for everyone is a non-profit spiritual revival aimed to help each other get acquainted as a community to raise awareness, adopt a pet and to rise triumphant against bullying and machismo with the most cautious freewill and instruction given in Colossians 3:18-21, Ephesians 6:1-4, and Hebrews 12, 13. It has been written. Amein, Amein.

Mauro/Shamosh Avila
