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Uvalde students participate in 2024 FLS Spring GamesFree Access

Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District parents and students gathered May 3 for the 2024 FLS Spring Games.

The event, held 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Honey Bowl, was held specifically for students enrolled in Functional Living Skills programming, which provides services to students who have cognitive or other qualifying disabilities.

Students, clad in gold medals, hopped mini hurdles, raced and participated in throwing events on the sunny Friday afternoon.

A big thank you to all who joined us in supporting our students,” the district said after the event. “Your support truly makes a difference in their lives, helping them to thrive and succeed.”

Scroll to see a few of our favorite moments from the morning’s festivities.

Juan Aguinaga hands a foam rocket to his 5-year-old son, Ryian, at the Uvalde Honey Bowl on May 3. (Sofi Zeman|Leader-News)


Students participating in Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District’s 2024 FLS Spring Games race along the Honey Bowl track on May 3. (Sofi Zeman|Leader-News)


Luz Chacon smiles down to her son, Alejandro, as the pair dance to pop tunes on May 3. Alejandro attends Dalton Elementary. (Sofi Zeman|Leader-News)


Khameran Rangel-Green hugs her six-year-old daughter, Alivia Alejandro, as activities wind down on May 3. (Sofi Zeman|Leader-News)


Morales Junior High students line up as the prepare for the hurdles race. The event took place on May 3 as part of the Uvalde school district’s Functional Life Skills Spring Games at the Uvalde Honey Bowl. (Melissa Federspill|Leader-News)


Joshua Hold lifts his son Dean Hold, 8, on May 3. Dean attends Uvalde Elementary. (Sofi Zeman|Leader-News)


Ilire Mustafa and her 6-year-old son, Dior, share a snack together at the Honey Bowl. Dior attends Dalton Elementary. (Sofi Zeman|Leader-News)